Did you know there are numerous discounts available that could significantly lower your auto insurance premium? While you may already be familiar with good driver or good student discounts, the potential for savings is greater than you may realize. Let’s explore seven auto insurance discounts you may not have known about, helping you make more informed and cost-effective decisions.
Multiple-Cars Discount
Insurers often provide a multiple-car discount for policyholders who insure more than one vehicle with them. This discount can simplify your billing process and save you money. By combining policies under one provider, you benefit from reduced rates, making it an excellent way for families or individuals with multiple cars to cut costs.
Affiliation Discount
Many insurance companies offer discounts to individuals associated with specific groups, such as employers, credit unions, or membership-based organizations. Similarly, many insurers offer discounts for current or former military members.
Pay-in-Full Discount
Paying your premium in full rather than in monthly installments often qualifies you for a pay-in-full discount. This option saves you money and helps you avoid the hassle of monthly payments. If you can pay upfront, it could be a straightforward way to reduce your overall costs.
Anti-Theft-Device Discount
Enhance your vehicle’s security and possibly lower your insurance premium with anti-theft devices. Many insurers offer discounts to policyholders who install these devices in their vehicles. Alarms, GPS trackers, and steering wheel locks can deter theft and are viewed favorably by insurers, resulting in potential savings.
Paperless Discount
Opting for electronic billing and statements can qualify you for a paperless discount. This eco-friendly option often leads to reduced premiums and adds the convenience of managing your policy online. However, this discount may not be as substantial as others on this list.
Student-Away-at-School Discount
If you have a student in your household who is attending college away from home and is out of town without a vehicle, you may qualify for this discount. This reduction recognizes that the vehicle is less likely to be driven, which lowers the insurer’s risk. You may qualify for the student-away-at-school discount if the student is under 25 years old and lives further than 100 miles away.
Telematics Discount
Telematics involves installing a device in your vehicle that monitors driving behavior. Many insurance companies offer telematics discounts to safe drivers willing to use these tools, rewarding them with reduced premiums. If you’re a careful driver, this could be a great way to benefit from additional savings.
Navigating the world of auto insurance can be complex, but understanding available discounts you may not have known about can make a significant difference. If you want to save on your premium, request a California car insurance quote from Saferoad Insurance. We specialize in offering the most affordable rates to drivers in Southern California and beyond. Contact our team for more information.