Auto insurance providers use your driving record to determine whether they want to cover you, as well as how much your premium will cost. This means that finding insurance after a DUI or DWI can prove challenging. Providers might be wary about covering you as a high-risk driver. Plus, navigating SR22 policies and other requirements can be baffling if it’s your first time hearing these terms. Once you know what you’re looking for, though, finding the right coverage becomes a straightforward process. Meet your requirements, find an affordable policy, and take care of yourself with this guide to what you need to know about DUIs and car insurance.
Finding Coverage After a DUI
One of the hardest things about finding auto insurance after a DUI is that not every provider will work with you. While your current provider can’t drop you in the middle of your policy, they might refuse to renew your coverage when it expires. This is because insurance providers see clients with DUIs as more of a risk. But auto insurance is too important to ignore. You might have to shop around to find a provider who will cover you with a DUI on your record. You’ll also need to find an insurance company that offers SR22 coverage. This certificate of financial responsibility proves that you’re meeting the insurance requirements for your state.
Higher Auto Insurance Rates
After a DUI, you’ll likely see an increase in your insurance premium. Getting a DUI and purchasing SR22 insurance marks you as a high-risk driver. How much your rates increase and how long this lasts depends on where you live, what your driving record looks like, and which provider you choose. While higher rates can be a pain, the best thing to do is pay your insurance diligently throughout and after the course of your SR22 policy. By meeting this and other requirements after your DUI, you can reinstate your license and get back on the road as quickly and responsibly as possible.
Finding a Provider You Can Rely On
While there’s a lot that you need to know about DUIs and car insurance, the most important step in finding a good provider after a DUI is to shop around. As with any insurance policy, different companies offer different coverages and rates. There are different types of insurance agents, too. Taking the time to get multiple quotes and evaluate all your options helps you find the coverage you need at the best price possible. It helps to work with an independent insurance agency like Saferoad Insurance. We’ll help you navigate your requirements so you can find coverage at a price that works for you.
If you need auto insurance in Anaheim, California, contact us today at 877-945-7233. Our friendly team of experts will work with you to understand your specific insurance requirements and find a policy that meets your needs.