When you search for an auto insurance policy, you want to find a plan that serves you and your specific circumstances. No two people are alike, and neither are their insurance policies. Unfortunately, finding a policy for particularly unique circumstances can be tricky. If you want to purchase car insurance but you don’t have a license, you might run into some roadblocks along the way. The good news is that you can still get the policy you need. You even have a few options from which to choose. Find a policy that gives you the coverage you need with this guide on how to buy car insurance without a driver’s license.
Why Get Insurance Without a License?
What’s the point of purchasing an auto insurance policy if you can’t drive? There are several reasons. A student driver who only has their permit might want to insure their vehicle before they get their full license. Alternatively, a parent who doesn’t drive but has a student driver at home might need to purchase and insure a vehicle.
Some people want to get an insurance policy to help another family member. For example, if a family member has their license but can’t finance their own car, you can co-own the vehicle and get a joint insurance policy.
Another reason to seek out car insurance without a license is to protect a vehicle that you can’t drive. For example, someone who has to stop driving due to an injury or disability can still maintain protective coverage on their vehicle. This is also a good option for people who collect or restore vintage cars. Even if you don’t drive your car, you can still purchase the coverages you need to have peace of mind about your vehicle.
Work With the Right Agency
Not all insurance providers will cover someone who doesn't have their license. Many companies see insuring an unlicensed driver as a risk. While you have ways to work around this—which we’ll discuss below—finding an insurance provider that gives you what you need can still prove challenging.
It helps to partner with an independent insurance agency. Organizations like Saferoad Insurance—an auto insurance agency in Los Angeles—work closely with you to compare multiple providers at once. Plus, independent agencies in your area will have experience with local laws and policies. Here at Saferoad Insurance, we specialize in all types of insurance coverage in the Southern California area. This means we can help you understand exactly what you’re looking for, along with all the requirements and details you should know while building your policy. Working with an independent agency is the most straightforward way to find an insurance provider who offers the coverage you need no matter what your circumstances are.
How To Buy Car Insurance Without a Driver’s License
The right choice of insurance will depend on factors like why you need the insurance, how you use your car, whether you plan on driving in the future, and other details. Explore your different options below:
Become an Excluded Driver
One simple way to get insurance without a license is to purchase a regular policy and list yourself as an excluded driver. This tells the insurance provider not to cover you. By specifying that you won’t be driving with this policy, you make yourself less of a risk for the insurance company. This is a way for many providers to feel comfortable giving policies to unlicensed drivers.
If you exclude yourself as a driver on your policy, you’ll need to list someone else as the primary driver. This can be a spouse, a roommate, a caretaker, or a licensed member of the family. Though the insurance policy is in your name, it will cover this primary driver instead. Keep in mind that if you exclude yourself as a driver, you cannot legally operate your insured vehicle. If the police pull you over while driving, you will face the same consequences as an uninsured driver—even if you get your license in the future.
Purchase a Comprehensive-Only Policy
A comprehensive-only policy, also known as parked car insurance, covers your vehicle while it’s stationary. With a parked car policy, you get comprehensive coverage that covers your vehicle while it’s stationary or in storage. Comprehensive coverage helps you pay for damage from fire, flooding, falling objects, or vandalism. This type of auto insurance will even help you pay for losses if someone steals your vehicle.
A comprehensive-only policy is a good option for people with vehicles that no one will drive, such as vintage car collectors. This option is also cheaper than other insurance options since you're not paying for liability insurance or other coverages.
Find a Co-Owner
An alternative method to getting insurance without a license is to co-own the car with someone else. If there’s someone you trust who has a license, you can put the car in their name so they can purchase insurance for it. This method requires you to go to the DMV and change your vehicle’s registration. However, this is a surefire way to get protective coverage for your vehicle, as the new owner should have no problem purchasing a policy.
Getting Insurance With a Suspended License
In some cases, you might have to look for insurance while you have a suspended license. This is often the case after a DUI or other major traffic conviction. In many states, showing proof of insurance is the key to reinstating your license. Things work a little differently in this scenario, especially if you plan on continuing to drive once you get your license back. You’ll have to find an insurance company that offers SR22 insurance. This certificate of financial responsibility proves that you have an insurance policy that meets the state’s minimum liability requirements.
Avoiding Lapses in Coverage
If you lose your license or can’t drive for any reason, it might be tempting to cancel your insurance policy entirely. After all, you don’t want to waste money on protection that you don’t even use. This isn’t the best option, though. For example, if you have a suspended license, you’ll need to prove to the state that you carry insurance. If you get your license back, you’ll need insurance before you can start driving again. By finding alternatives like comprehensive-only or liability-only insurance coverage, you can save money while still maintaining your policy. This will make it easier to get back on the road once you get a license.
If you have any questions about getting insurance without a license—or any other aspect of auto insurance—turn to the experts at Saferoad Insurance. We’ll make it our mission to find you a policy that fits your budget, needs, and lifestyle.